
The Ultimate Backlink Meaning in SEO: How to Boost Your Website’s Visibility

backlink meaning in seo - ahref

Posted on January 17, 2023

Mastering the Art of Backlink Meaning in SEO: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you know the Backlink Meaning in SEO? Backlinks are links within website content that point to other web pages or websites, usually used by website owners to increase the reputation and credibility of the website and its content. These links are similar to hyperlinks but can help maximize website SEO and not just link resources.

Using backlinks as a strategy can improve search results. Later your website or blog also has a high chance of being the first to be clicked, and profits will increase.

Backlinks are incredibly beneficial for bloggers and entrepreneurs. They can help you reach a wider audience, establish authority in your niche, and promote your products or services online.

This article will provide you with an understanding of what backlinks are, the different types and their functions, and how to acquire high-quality backlinks, regardless of the type of website you have. Let’s Begin!

Definition of Backlink Meaning in SEO

Backlinks are links from one website or specific page within a website that direct visitors to another webpage or website. Backlink Meaning in SEO are often called “inbound links” or “incoming links.” These terms refer to links that direct visitors from one website to another. These links can be found in content that directs visitors to similar websites.

Like a pillar, the use of backlinks is to strengthen the position of the website or content it refers to so that it can get a high and stable ranking on the SERPs related to specific keywords.

For example, let’s say we have an article about optimizing a website. To improve the search engine ranking of this article on Google, it’s essential to have other websites include a link to our article in their content, as we did in this paragraph.

Then backlinks are divided into 2 general categories, namely:

1. Internal linking

Internal link backlink meaning in SEO refers to the practice of linking to other pages within your own website. This helps to distribute link equity and improve the user experience.

Internal links are intended to increase the duration of audience visits to a domain and the number of visits to specific content. Internal links can also reduce the bounce rate, a metric showing visitors don’t like reading content, and immediately close it.

2. External linking Backlink

External linking refers to linking to other websites from your own website. This helps to distribute link equity and establish relationships with other websites.

External links not only help provide information to visitors and assist other websites that you refer to build authority and relevance on search engines.

In addition, this backlink will slowly ‘flow’ more traffic to the external domain it refers to.

Benefits of Backlinks

In general, backlinks’ function is to evaluate a domain’s authority and relevance for certain products, services, and topics. Of course, this will be very profitable for those who manage websites to earn income.

Suppose many backlinks are placed and received by your website from other websites. In that case, search engines will prioritize them more to get high rankings.

Search engines like Google trust and consider websites that have many backlinks as credible and authoritative sources. Therefore, these websites will appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords.

When your website gets a good ranking in search engines, more people will find it when they search for related topics. This will increase the number of visitors to your website and make it more reputable as a source of information on that topic.

The marketing team can use the website’s good search engine ranking by creating sales campaigns or placing ads on websites with a high ranking in search engine results pages.

With this principle, it must be remembered that internal and external backlinks are crucial for your website. Apart from that, you must also know how to get quality backlinks, not just quantity.

1. Increase web exposure

The first benefit of backlinks is to increase web exposure. The more backlinks you get from other websites, the more exposure you will receive from that web traffic.

2. Increase web credibility

The next benefit of backlinks is to increase web credibility. Because getting backlinks means that your website is trusted to produce high-quality content worth reading.

3. Improve ranking on SERPs

As mentioned before, backlinks can increase your chances of ranking higher on search results pages.

4. Make it easier for the web to be indexed in search engines.

The faster the indexing process on Google, you will get the better level of visibility and organic traffic.

5. Build relationships with other sites

The last benefit of backlinks is that they allow you to build mutually beneficial relationships with other websites with the same niche.

Example Backlinks

Please remember that a link can be said to be a backlink if it meets the following two conditions:

  • The link leads to another website
  • The link is a live link or can be clicked.

If two conditions are not met, the link in question cannot be said to be a backlink, for example, for the keyword “Tips to Maximize Profits on Gold Investment. ” Links on these keywords lead to other pages on this web. Thus, these links cannot be said to be backlinks but internal links. However, if the link leads to another website, it can be called a backlink.

The Effect of Backlinks on Website SEO

There are lots of business opportunities that you can get if you reach the first position on Google. Of course, this is what almost all website owners dream of.

Having a good position on Google means that other people find your website or content valuable and relevant. They will then refer to it on their own website or share it on social media, directing more people to your website.

When people search for specific topics on Google, your website will be one of the top choices, as it is considered suitable for the subject they are searching for. This may lead to your website being recommended as a resource.

If lots of people share and reference your content, they find it helpful. This is where backlinks can significantly affect SEO, which is one of the determining factors for website ranking.

The backlinks that come to your website from other domains are indicators seen by search engines as evidence of a website’s credibility. The more other domains that add backlinks to your website, the faster the ranking will rise to the top.

Types of Backlinks

Besides internal and external categories, backlinks are divided into several categories according to their unique characteristics. Understanding each of these types is essential so you can effectively focus on and get backlinks.

Who wants their website to appear on something other than the first page of Google? We’re sure you’ll want one too. Here are some examples of backlinks that are currently commonly used:

1. Juice Link

Juice links are the most basic and common type of backlinks. This link can direct visitors from other websites to your website or blog it can help increase traffic.

As you know, the higher the traffic, the better the website ranking on the SERP. Search engines know that your website has content that will attract many visitors. This is called a domain authority (DA) or domain authority.

When it reaches the first position on Google, your website will automatically become the primary reference in its niche. Other website pages will also make it an example, even by competitors.

2. Link No-Follow

No-follow links are a type of backlink that provides limited authority and relevance. This means that even if your website is referenced by another website, the “no follow” tag placed in the script will hinder the full functionality of the link.

The “no follow” tag is usually used by highly authoritative websites. They apply it to backlinks from low-quality websites so that these websites don’t gain authority and appear on the SERP.

This method can also prevent links that are not useful from sources that need to be clarified on the internet. Government-owned websites (public bodies) and schools (educational institutions) use links like this.

No-Follow links are often used in blog comments to prevent unwanted or irrelevant messages from people who want to promote their website without providing valuable context.

3. Link Do-Follow

Focus on Do-Follow links in your strategy to get quality backlinks. These backlinks are the opposite of No-Follow and link one domain to another.

That is, a link placed on a website with a “follow” tag on the page script will ‘flow’ the authority and relevance of the website to the page referred to.

This type of backlink is used by search engines to identify the authority of a website. The more Do-Follow links a website receives, its position will rise over time.

Do-Follow links are commonly used by companies engaged in similar or related industries. These types of backlinks can be a good strategy for introducing each other’s businesses to customers and exchanging backlinks to strengthen authority and relevance on Google.

4. Link Root Domain

Link Root Domain refers to the number of backlinks from one domain received by a website. This means that no matter how many Do-Follow backlinks a page receives if they all come from the same domain, the link will still count as 1 backlink.

So there’s no point in asking for many backlinks to one website to get the same authority and relevance even though it has a good reputation. Because no matter how much, the number will only be considered as one backlink.

You still need lots of unique backlinks from websites with a reputation or high Domain Rating on search engines.

How to Get Quality Backlinks (Link Building)

After understanding the meaning of backlinks, their types, and their impact on website SEO, now is the time to learn how to get quality backlinks. This process is called link building.

Need to know what Link Building is? Don’t worry. We will help explain it to you and show you how to get backlinks to your website. Let’s read more below.

What is Link Building?

Link Building is a technique for getting backlinks pointing to your website on other websites. The goal is to strengthen the relevance and authority of your website in search engines.

Backlinks received from other websites basically work like trust endorsements. So, gaining the trust of many websites is what you should focus on when collecting backlinks.

Remember, a website without backlinks pointing to it is almost impossible to be ranked top. The website will also need help getting exposure and organic traffic or feel irrelevant.

The question is, how can you acquire backlinks from other websites? What must be done so that other websites want to include your website link?

We will discuss the answer in the section below, complete with valuable tips you can follow.

1. Create Interesting Content

Of course, creating exciting content is the first way to get quality backlinks. Take a look at the websites in the first positions on Google. Usually, the content is very complete, concise, engaging, and straightforward.

You can use it as inspiration to create content for your own blog. That way, visitors will refer your content to specific topics. Over time, more and more people will be interested and recommend it to other readers.

Website organic traffic and the number of visits will also increase. As a result, your website will be increasingly linked to other websites, which is basically the primary goal of the Link Building strategy using backlink builder

Apart from being excellent and complete, your content must also cover the whole topic idea, be unique, and be able to attract readers’ attention. You can add interactive elements by asking them what they get from your content and whether they have questions or criticisms, and suggestions.

Visit popular blogs in the same niche to see what content they post. Look for topics they still need to cover, then fill in those gaps with your content. Or, look for other content on the internet and make it a reference with a touch of your own writing style.

2. Write Guest Posts for Other Websites

Guest posts, also known as guest posts on other blogs, are the most efficient way to naturally get backlinks to your website.

More people will think you are an expert when you write about something you know a lot about on other websites. You can also show your website to people who have never seen it.

Guest Post is usually done by 2 companies that work together and have the same business. The two exchange quality content that informs and educates their readers using their expertise.

Like other websites link to your website, your friends can also write on your website. Allowing other people to write on your blog can bring you many benefits.

But remember, backlinks from guest posts will be easier to get if your website or blog already has a good reputation. That way, these guests can trust you more to exchange quality links with each other even though they have never known you.

3. Post Ads on Other Blogs

You can also create ads to contribute to other websites and get backlinks. Ads have their own requirements to understand before you start creating and posting them on other blogs.

First, advertising has a commercial impression, usually promoting a product and its most attractive features. Of course, this will differ significantly from the more informative and educative Guest Post.

In addition, advertisements must always be in the form of paid content. So, your website and content can only be displayed in search engines if you have the budget to do this link-building strategy.

4. Give Comments on Various Blogs and Forums

Comments can be the easiest and fastest way to get backlinks. You only need to look for blogs and forums that provide comment fields, then start commenting so that you are increasingly recognized.

However, sometimes comments can only appear if they have been approved by the content or website owner. Usually, this is done to prevent spam comments. So, be wise in commenting and make sure it is always relevant to the discussed content.

Don’t let yourself be seen as an annoying visitor who just sends spam and doesn’t contribute anything to the content.

Comments that contain a link will usually be automatically tagged “no-follow.” As discussed earlier, backlinks like this will not help strengthen a landing page’s authority.

Even so, you can still introduce your blog or company. You can expand your relationship, attract other visitors, and get higher authority.

5. Be active on Social Media.

It is undeniable that social media is one of the most effective tools for building persona and authority on the internet. So, create a page or community for your blog or brand.

It doesn’t stop there. You also have to actively interact with visitors and customers. This can be done by answering questions, interacting through comments, and asking daily questions.

Social media can help spread your website link naturally, even if most are labeled “no-follow” when published. You can do this after you publish a new post or when there is an update about your online store.

The Best Tool to Get Backlinks

This section will cover some tools to automate this complex link-building process and help you get quality backlinks.

With this tool, you can access comprehensive information and data to identify what will help you succeed in your online journey.


This tool provides essential information regarding website link profiles, which opens up various opportunities for you to get backlinks.

Ahrefs is a tool that helps you see how many different websites link to yours. It also shows you how many links you’ve gained or lost over time and estimates how much traffic your website gets from people searching for things on Google.

Enter your domain into the search field, then Ahrefs will monitor and classify several metrics related to the website’s link at that time. 

backlink meaning in seo - ahref

In the example above, the Wikipedia website has a UR  (URL Rating) of 75 and a DR  (Domain Rating) of 91. They also have 107 million backlinks and more than 345 thousand external/referring domains that reference their website.

UR is the backlink profile for a single URL, indicating the likelihood of that URL ranking high. Meanwhile, DR shows how strong the backlink profile of a domain as a whole is. This metric denotes the potential position of a website on search engines compared to other websites.

Both are measured by the numbers 0-100. The higher the value, the better the website’s ranking on Ahrefs and its authority and relevance in Google Search.

You can also search for good domains on the internet, which you should work with to get backlinks. 

Google Alerts

Google Alerts can help you get backlinks for your blog or business website. This tool detects content, words, and terms that users type on the internet and sends notification messages (alerts) when topics are relevant to your business.

backlink meaning in seo - google alert

Suppose a website mentions your blog or brand name in its content or social media, but that mention doesn’t refer to your page. This could be an excellent opportunity to contact the website owner so you can place a link to your web page and eventually get backlinks.

But you don’t need to rush to contact or to urge the website. Find out if your business is mentioned or highlighted in appropriate and relevant circumstances.

It’s important to research the relevance and authority of the domains you find to improve the effectiveness of your backlinks. Knowing the traffic and the quality of the content will help estimate your chances of getting backlinks.


Pitchbox is actually not a tool for getting backlinks. This tool also needs help to research a website’s backlink profile or explain its authority, relevance, and organic traffic.

However, Pitchbox can plan and send emails automatically to help you contact and negotiate with multiple websites.

You can establish relationships with many websites and know which ones are interested in using your content. Start cooperation by exchanging guest posts and receiving advertisements promoting your product or business.

This tool allows you to add a custom contact list or search for contacts via the search field. You only need to type in the business keywords you want to partner with.

Pitchbox is a tool that allows you to see in real-time which websites have agreed to link to yours. So you know that the effort you put in was well-spent.

So, if you want to find a backlink that no longer refers to your blog, just contact the website again and ask to fix the link correctly and politely.

How to Create Backlinks

Backlinks listed on websites with high credibility in search engines’ eyes will have great power. It’s not just made. The way to create backlinks is to pay attention to credibility, which is measured by several aspects, namely as follows:

Attention to domain authority (DA) is a measure of the strength of a website’s domain as a whole. In essence, DA is a domain name rating worth 0 to 100. The higher the DA value, the more trusted and credible a website is. Therefore, creating backlinks by placing backlinks on websites with high DA is one of the right ways. However, it takes work to get permission to do so.

Pay attention to page authority.

Page authority (PA) is the ranking on a single page. Getting a high value on PA can only be done by maximizing the content on that page. Just like DA, the PA value of a page is 0 to 100.

Place backlinks correctly

Backlink placement also affects the strength of backlinks. There’s nothing wrong with placing backlinks in positions with more chances to be clicked, such as in the article’s contents. This position is undoubtedly better when compared to the footer or attribution, which readers should pay more attention to. On the other hand, placing relevant backlinks in the article content will also make the article easier to index by search engines.

Pay attention to the type of backlinks.

In the world of SEO, especially backlinks, there are two links: no-follow and do-follow. Dofollow links are links that, when clicked, will go to the web or page desired by the backlink creator and are valuable in the eyes of search engines. Meanwhile, a no follow link is a link that, when clicked, will go to the website or page the backlink maker wants but is of no value in the eyes of search engines. Please note that no follow links are not recognized by search engines as backlinks because they have zero value. However, not a few SEO experts still make no-follow links because the content looks more natural in the eyes of search engines.

Provide backlinks that are relevant to the content

Creating backlinks with relevant content is very important for the strength of the backlinks. Relevance means that the article where you are adding the backlink is related to the content of the backlink. It is essential to only add backlinks in relevant places, as adding them in outside areas would not be beneficial.

Using the correct anchor text

Usually, when adding a backlink in a web post, it is included in the text, so the reader doesn’t see the website name or web address it is linked to. The text that is visible and contains links is called anchor text. Thus, you will use the appropriate anchor text when creating articles on the web with a specific theme. It’s important to note that the use of anchor text is related to the credibility of web content because its value is determined by the relevance of the words used.


You already know various things related to backlinks. Starting from the understanding of backlinks, their types, and their effect on website SEO to how to get them

Being a part of off-page SEO, backlinks are one of the most critical factors in website development. A website needs to get quality backlinks from trusted sites and create content worthy of publication to achieve optimal results and avoid of getting penalty from google algoritms.

Backlinks are links in a website’s content or pages that direct visitors to other related websites or resources. They help improve the website’s ranking in search engines by indicating that it is relevant and valuable.

You need to get quality backlinks if you want your blog, website, or online store to reach the top position in search engines like Google. The process is complicated, and the results take time, but your efforts are guaranteed to pay off.

That’s all the discussion about Backlink Meaning in SEO, starting from what is a backlinkthe benefits of backlinksexamples of backlinks, and how to make backlinks that you need to know. Apart from backlinks, SEO, and various digital marketing topics, you can also add insight by reading articles about work, the economy, market strategies, and so on here.

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